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Step By Step How to install JLilyPad with SSH (Linux)

Discussion in 'Documentation' started by Matt, Aug 5, 2013.

  1. Matt

    Matt Forum Moderator & Contributor Staff Member Moderator Contributor

    This tutorial is obsolete. You should no longer be using JLilyPad server, but rather GoLilyPad.

    This is how to install LilyPad by using the Terminal of Linux/Ubuntu

    Installing Java
    First you need Java to be able to run the server. Open Terminal (CTRL+ALT+T). Then execute this command java -version If the system has found Java, then you are good to go. If not, then you can install Java by doing the following:
    1. Open terminal (CTRL+ALT+T).
    2. Run the following command:
      Code (text):
      sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
    3. It will ask you to type in your System password.
    4. Then hit ENTER.
    5. When its done, check if there are any updates by using this command:
      Code (text):
      sudo apt-get update
    6. Wait until its done with checking/installing the updates.
    7. Now you are ready to install Java. Use the following command:
      Code (text):
      yum install java7
    8. Then when it asks to press Y or N. Choose Y and then hit Enter.
    9. You will see a screen. Hit OK and then choose Yes. It will now download Java.
    10. When its done, you will see "Download done."
    11. Now do nothing. The system is still busy. Please be patient :).
    12. When you are able again to execute a command, the system is done. (***@***:~$ )
    13. Now check if Java is installed by doing:
      Code (text):
      java -version
    14. You will see the Java version ( "VERSION" )
    What you first have to do:
    Now we are ready to install LilyPad itself :). Follow these steps:
    1. Create a folder on your Desktop.​
    2. Then create a folder for the Proxy.​

    Installing the LilyPad Proxy
    1. Open terminal (CTRL+ALT+T)​
    2. Then type in
      Code (text):
      Don't forget the space between cd and the path of the Proxy folder. Then hit enter.
    3. Then execute the following commands:
      Code (text):
      wget http://ci.lilypadmc.org/job/Server-Standalone-AllInOne/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/target/Server-Standalone-AllInOne.jar
      Code (text):
    4. Now you need to change the permissions of the file. Do that by using this command:
      Code (text):
      chmod 755 start.sh
    5. Now you are ready to run the proxy for the first time. Use this command to run the proxy:
      Code (text):
    6. When you see [LilyPad] Build ** of AllInOne it is running. ( ** Build Version )
    7. Now halt the proxy by execute the Halt command.
    Config the LilyPad Proxy
    1. To open the config, use the this command:
      Code (text):
      nano allinone.conf
    2. Edit the config as you want. Or follow this document on how to use the config.
    3. Make sure you save the file!
    4. After that, you can now run the proxy. ( By doing
      Code (text):
    I hope this document will help you to install LilyPad by using SSH. :)
    You can always response with your questions/problems or compliments ;).
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 9, 2014
  2. Robbie5000

    Robbie5000 New Member

    Might I point out when running on an SSH you should use the screen command otherwise you will shutdown the proxy when you close down putty
    I start my lilypad like so
    Code (text):
    screen java -XX:+UseParNewGC -Xms1G -Xmx2G -jar Server-Standalone-AllInOne.jar
    and ignore
    Code (text):
    Code (text):
    chmod 755 start.sh
    Code (text):
  3. Matt

    Matt Forum Moderator & Contributor Staff Member Moderator Contributor

    You can do that either yes, but in my opinion you don't close a console :p
  4. Robbie5000

    Robbie5000 New Member

    When you run the VPS you use a program on your computer called putty and when you close it to shut off your computer or something the server will stop running the start.sh so you need to run it as a screen.

    So you also need to install screen with this simple command
    Code (text):
    sudo apt-get install screen
    If you need a VPS get a cheap and reliable one here. http://www.vilayer.com/cl/aff.php?aff=660
  5. Matt

    Matt Forum Moderator & Contributor Staff Member Moderator Contributor

    Thats on Putty yes, but in my example i am using Linux and the internal Terminal and not Putty
  6. Robbie5000

    Robbie5000 New Member

    Most people here are trying to run professional servers. So they are usually not running desktop version of Ubuntu they have the server software.
  7. Matt

    Matt Forum Moderator & Contributor Staff Member Moderator Contributor

    You can also use this for Professional server. But to be able to check if it works, i used ubuntu. Then i asked a friend to try this, and it worked.
  8. sgtcaze

    sgtcaze Member Resource Contributor

    Just a thought

    Code (text):
    yum install java7
    Eliminates having to wget an rpm/install file. Then it also saves having to install that with another command. o:
  9. Matt

    Matt Forum Moderator & Contributor Staff Member Moderator Contributor

    There are many ways to get Java.
  10. sgtcaze

    sgtcaze Member Resource Contributor

    Thanks, I know how to. I was just thinking it might help people, by running yum install java7 and yum install screen. I think it helps people who are new to SSH who don't want to do too many commands.

    Good tutorial though.
  11. Matt

    Matt Forum Moderator & Contributor Staff Member Moderator Contributor

    I know, Thanks for your suggestion to make it easyer to get Java.

    Thanks :)
  12. boboman13

    boboman13 Member Contributor

    Someone should make a simple copy/paste command thing for noobs, sort of like this:

    Code (text):
    yum install java7 && yum install screen && mkdir lilypad && cd lilypad && wget [lilypad .jar] && wget [lilypad start.sh] && screen -S LILYPAD && ./start.sh
    Then it automatically sets it all up for you and you can start customizing it?
  13. The_Zip

    The_Zip Active Member Resource Contributor

    Last edited: Oct 21, 2013
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