LilyUtils provides many features that can make networks a bit more seamless.
1. /server that handles the connection. By this I mean, if a player tries to connect to a server that is whitelisted/full or the player is banned from that certain server, they don't get kicked off of the network and instead, are provided a message. I added that with customizable messages. /server also automatically gets a list of servers, so there is no need to list them in a config. Because I added /server, you do not need LilyPad-PortalCommand. If you also want to create aliases for commands, use commands.yml, like this:
- server hub $1-
2. /glist automatically gets a playerlist and number of players online for each server that is customizable, but, it also gets the players displayname! This means, if a player has [VIP] Playername as a displayname, it will show in /glist including their rank colors.
3. /alert broadcasts a message to the network in colors, and is customizable in the config.
I also added /lilypad to show lilypads version (and the creator of the software), and the version of LilyUtils (and the creator of the plugin).
This plugin has to be on all of your lilypad servers in order to show on /server and /glist correctly.
lilyutils.alert - Allows for sending global broadcasts (across all servers).
lilyutils.reload - Reloads the config. (Command is /lilyutilsreload or /lureload)
lilyutils.fullserver - Allows players to connect to full servers (they must have some permission on that server to be able to connect such as essentials.joinfullserver).
lilyutils.glist- Allows players to execute /glist
lilyutils.server- Allows players to execute /server
lilyutils.player - Allows players to execute /glist and /server (in one permission)
Thanks: Thank you for helping me understand the LilyPad api and concepts to Coelho, boboman13, The_Zip and Vislo.
Licence (GPL):
Default config (as you can see, most messages are configurable):
Code (YAML):#Header for alert
alertHeader: '&c[Alert] '
#Style for the current server in /server {CURRENTSERVER} is the current server
currentserver: '&fYou are currently connected to: &6{CURRENTSERVER}'
#Style for the server list in /server {SERVERLIST} is the list of servers
serverlist: '&fYou can connect to the following servers: &6{SERVERLIST}'
#Style for the commas in the serverlist of /server {SERVERLIST}
commacolor: '&f, &6'
#The message if a server does not exist
dnemessage: '&cThe specified server does not exist.'
#The message if a player tries to connect to a whitelisted server, {SERVERNAME} is the name of the server they are connecting to
whitelistedserver: '&cKicked whilst connecting to {SERVERNAME}: &fYou are not whitelisted on this server!'
#The message if a player tries to connect to a full server, {SERVERNAME} is the name of the server they are connecting to
#The permission lilyutils.fullserver Allows players to connect to full servers (they must have some permission on that server
#to be able to connect such as essentials.joinfullserver).
fullserver: '&cKicked whilst connecting to {SERVERNAME}: &fThe server is full!'
#The message if a player tries to connect to a server they are banned on, {SERVERNAME} is the name of the server they are connecting to
playerbanned: '&cKicked whilst connecting to {SERVERNAME}: &fYou are banned from this server.'
#The message before /glist is executed (put none for none)
beforeglist: 'none'
#The styling of /glist {SERVERNAME} for the servers name, {SERVERCOUNT} for the players online of that server, {PLAYERLIST} for the list of players
gliststyle: '&a[{SERVERNAME}] &e({SERVERCOUNT}): &r{PLAYERLIST}'
#The message before totalonline is sent to the player (put none for none)
beforetotal: 'none'
#The styling of the total players online message after /glist, {TOTAL} for the number
totalonline: '&fTotal players online: {TOTAL}'
#The message after totalonline is sent to the player (put none for none)
aftertotal: 'none'
#The message if a server is offline
serveroffline: '&cThe specified server is currently offline.'
#The message if a player tries connecting to a server they are already on
alreadyonline: '&cYou are already connected to this server!'
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LilyUtils 1.5
Provides /server with checks and automatically getting servers, /glist with displaynames and /alert
Recent Updates
- Adds permissions. Aug 30, 2014
- Updated permissions, /server and /glist are now lilyutils.player Aug 28, 2014
- Add /glist permission (merge from aaomidi) Aug 28, 2014